Contents of N1/2016

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Contents of №1' 2016


Methodological  approaches  to  the evaluation of audit activity management
Filobokova L.Y., Doctor of Economics, Professor of innovative entrepreneurship VPOMSTU. N. E. Bauman

Abstract. Audit activities (audit services) is a component of the single national economic complex of the country, which has been tasked not only to confirm the reliability of financial reporting, performed within the framework of an audit, but also perform a wide range of related to auditing activities of services aimed at improving the competitiveness of the national economy and efficiency of doing business. The achievement of such targets not only determines the quality of technology in listening, but also ensures the efficiency of its financial management, requiring the development and validation of tools based on the formalized methodological approaches to the calculation and the measurement (evaluation).
Keywords: methodical approaches to assessment, tools of financial management, audit activities.

1. Golovanov, O. V., Gutzeit E. M. Audit: concept, problems, standards, control, efficiency, crisis. – M.: Accounting, 2005.
2. International standard ISO 8402-94 "quality Management and quality assurance"
3.International standards on auditing and quality control. Collection 3/the international Federation of Accountants (IFAC) – Kirov: LLC "Kirov regional printing house", 2012
4.FRSAA No. 7 Rule (standard) ""quality Control assignments for audit", approved. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 863 from 19.11.2008 g.
5. Kovalev V. V. Financial management: theory and practice. – M.: Prospekt, 2014. – 1104 with 
6. J. C. van Horne  Financial management  -.M. 12th ed. - M.: "I. D. Williams", 2008.
7. Brigham Y., Gapenski L. Financial management / TRANS. angl. V.V. Kovalev. – SPb.: Econ. Sch., 2009. – 668 p.

Methodology  of  comprehensive  evaluation of  the  effectiveness  of  the  company
Bykova I.V., Kotlas Branch Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, senior Lecturer

Abstract. Evaluation of the financial state – a recognized tool to identify unfavorable situation in the financial and economic activity of an enterprise. It gives the possibility not only to state the improvement or deterioration of the state of an enterprise, but also to measure the probability of its bankruptcy.
Application of multi-complex analysis of the financial state of an enterprises creates real prerequisites for the effective management of financial condition, positive impact on key indicators of its activity in order to improve the financial environment of an enterprise.
Determine the effect of external factors on the effectiveness of operations and financial condition of the organization methods allow a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the use of resources for the implementation of which may be used data from the accounting (financial) statements. One of the methods offers on the basis of a generalizing (integral) indicator to give a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of usual types of enterprise activity.
Keywords: resources, efficiency, extensive and intensive indicators, integral index.

1. Zharylgasova B.T. Analysis of the accounting (financial) statements. Uch.posobie / B.T.Zharylgasova, AE Suglobov. - M .: Ekonomist, 2004. - 297 p.
2. Analysis of the financial statements: a tutorial / group of authors; under V.I.Barilenko. - 4th ed., Rev. - M .: KNORUS, 2014. - 240 p.
3. Berzon N.I. Finances: a textbook for undergraduate. - M .: Publishing Yurayt, 2013. -590s.
4. Kirichenko Т.V. Financial management: the textbook. - M .: Dashkov i K, 2013. - 483 p.
5. Kovalev V.V. Introduction to Financial Management: a tutorial. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2008. - 768 p.
6. Kovalev V.V. Corporate finance and accounting: concepts, algorithms, performance: Textbooks. - M .: Prospectus KNORUS, 2010. - 768 p.
7. Kolchinа N.V. Financial management: a training manual. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2008. - 464 p.
8. Tolpegina O.A. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity: a textbook for undergraduate / O.A.Tolpegina, NA Tolpegin. - M .: Publishing Yurayt, 2013. - 672 p.
9. Pozhidaeva T.A. Analysis of financial statements: a tutorial. - 2nd ed., Sr. - M .: KNORUS, 2010. - 320C.
10. Shestakova E.V. How to conduct a rapid diagnosis of the financial condition of the company // Financial Management. 2012. № 4.- pp 3-11.

Regulation  of  financial  stability  on  the  basis  of  the  analysis of  calculations
Chernov V.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chair of Accounting and Audit Department Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Abstract. The paper presents an overview of the indicators, identifying the problem of the instability of the finances of an enterprise, the need to find ways of attracting additional sources of financing, the repayment of the most urgent obligations, a way out of technical insolvency. It is further proposed a method for solving this problem with the underlying analysis in two stages: 1) managing cash flows in the estimated relationship by providing discounts to debtors for terms reduction of payments return on the basis of the effect analysis of income acceleration; 2) raising additional funds for the operations of commercial maneuvering, the most mobile assets with the required effect.
The analysis shows: the proposed anti-crisis methodology identifies additional resources of financing insolvent enterprises, promotes the release of technical insolvency, the increase in business activity and profitability, to regulate financial stability.
The results of the study are recommended for the management of the settlement relations of enterprises experiencing financing difficulties and lack of creditworthiness.
Keywords: differential financial leverage, leverage, financial leverage, technical insolvency, alternative sources of funding, acceleration of payments, fundraising, commercial maneuvering.

1. Abdukarimov, I.T., Bespalov, M. V. Financial and economic analysis of economic activities of commercial organizations: textbook. manual / I. T. Abdukarimov, Bespalov M. V. – M.: Infra-M, 2012. 
2. Abrjutina M. S. Economic analysis of the commodity market and trade activities: the textbook / M. S. Abrjutina – M.: Business and service, 2010. 
3. Bakanov M. I. Accounting in trade. Bakanov M. I., Dmitrieva I. M. Chirkova M. B., Tarasova N. A., Smirnova L. R., Chernov V. A. Educational benefits; recommended by Educational and methodical Association of universities of the Financial Academy under the government of the Russian Federation as the textbook / under the editorship of M. I. Baranov. Moscow, 2002.
4. Bukir' M.Ja. Remittances and receiving payments. Business encyclopedia / M.Ja.Bukir', A.V.Puhov, V.Ju.Kopytin, M.: Market DS, 2010.
5. Gerchikova I. N. Financial management / I. N. Gerchikova – M.: Infra-M, 2011.
6. Dmitrieva A. G., Karnickaja Je. N. The relationship of sustainable development indicators and their impact on the social infrastructure of rural settlements // Scientific review. 2014. No. 8-2. P. 783-787.
7. Efimova O. V. Financial analysis / O. V. Efimova, M.: Accounting, 2011.
8. Krasnova N. A. Dolyushka-share. Improvement of exchange-distributive relations in the agricultural enterprises of the cooperative type // journal of Russian entrepreneurship. 2008. No. 4-1. P. 109-113.
9. Malitskaya V. B. the Concept of harmonization of accounting software, analytical reporting and audit of liquid items of current assets with internationally recognized standards. – The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.12-Accounting, statistics. – Orel: FGBOU VPO "state University – unpk", 2013.
10. Morozova N. A. Organizational communication in an international environment // Management in Russia and abroad. 2011. No. 2. P. 3-9.
11. Pokudov, A. V. How to manage accounts receivable / Pokudov A.V. – M.: EKSMO, 2010.
12. Chernov V. A. Models and methods of information-analytical support in management accounting. The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of economic Sciences / Moscow, 2005.
13. Chernov V. A. Organization of accounting and analysis of accounts // accounting in construction organizations. 2015. No. 5-6. P. 34-41.
14. Chernov V. A. Organization of accounting // Accounting in publishing and printing. 2015. No. 3 (175). S. 24-32 [Electronic resource]. OOO "NPP "GARANT-SERVICE",;;database=PBP;n=172126.
15. Chernov V. A. Managerial accounting and analysis of commercial activity / Under the editorship of M. I. Bakanov. M. Finance and statistics. 2001. 320 p.
16. Chernov V. A. Financial policy of the organization. Proc. textbook for students of Economics. universities and professions / V. A. Chernov; edited by M. I. Bakanov. Moscow, 2003. Ser. Finance. 247 p.
17. Chernov V. A. Economic analysis: trade, public catering, tourism: textbook. allowance for students enrolled on economic specialties / V. A. Chernov; edited by M. I. Bakanov. – 2-e Izd., revised and enlarged. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009.
18. Chernov V. A., Lokteva N. M. The features of the analysis of the financial results of agricultural enterprises receiving state support // Audit and financial analysis. 2015. No. 5. P. 119-128.
19. Chernov V. A., SakulinskajaJu. S. Analysis of settlement operations as a way to improve the financial status of the organization // Accounting. Analysis. Audit. 2015. No. 4. P. 112-117.
20. Chirkova M. B. the Systematic accounting and comprehensive economic analysis of lending operations of commercial structures. Monograph. Voronezh: ECP Studio "IAN", 1999. 256 p.
21. Sheremet, A. D. Economic analysis of financial and economic activity / A. D. Sheremet, R. S. Saifulin, M.: Infra-M, 2012.
22. Bakanov M. I. Economic analysis to trade. Bakanov M. I., Dmitrieva I.M. Smirnova L. P., Chirkova M. B., Stepanov V. G., Tarasova N. A., Chernov V. A. edited by M. I. Bakanov. Moscow, 2004. 400 p.

Strategy  of  effective  management  of  financial  flows in  holding  structures
Khlevnaya Е.А., Ph.D. of Economics and Psychology, Associate Professor of the Business Analysis and Audit Department of the Russian Economic University of G.V. Plekhanov

Abstract. The article considers the problem of developing strategies for effective management of financial flows in holding structures. The main advantages of the holding structure in the part of system centralization of financial flows management of all holding structural units are shown. Given the justification for the implementation of process management approach in holding structures with allocation of financial responsibility centers to ensure effective interaction in the management of financial flows. The main directions of system improvement of financial flows of Russian holding structures.
Keywords: financial flows, balance of financial flows, management effectiveness, business processes of organization.

1. Savelova, I.I. Rol' finansovyh potokov v upravlenii promyshlennymi predprijatijami / I.I. Savelova // Izvestija OrelGTU. Serija «Social'no-jekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye nauki». - 2009. - № 2/208(557). — S.164-170.
2. Torosjan Je.K. Upravlenie finansovymi potokami vertikal'no integrirovannyh korporativnyh struktur // Vestnik RUDN. Serija «Jekonomika». Izd-vo RUDN, 2009, №1. S.78-86.
3. Hasiev   S .- A . Ja .  Diagnosticheskij   analiz   investicionnoj   privlekatel'nosti   segmentov  agropromyshlennogo holdinga II Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo jekonomicheskogo universiteta. 2012. – № 3 (89). – S. 85–88. 
4. Hlevnaja E.A.  Bjudzhetirovanie kak instrument  realizacii strategii i upravlenija razvitiem predprijatija// Upravlencheskij uchet - M.: «Finpress» 2009. №2. S. 16-21


The  issue  of  dividend  payments  in  companies with  state  participation: russian  and  international  accounting
Gubanov R.S., Phd of Economics, Senior Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Institution « Scientific Research Institute of Finance», Methodist Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education «Ryazan College of Technology»

Abstract. The article discusses scientific and practical approach to calculation of economic indicators of interest to improve dividend payout. Studies the possibility of mandatory application of IFRS in the calculation of net profit of companies in order to improve the quality of dividend payments. Compares the methodology of calculation of profit in the companies with state participation in the Russian and international financial reporting standards. 
Keywords: dividend, dividend payments, companies, companies with state participation, dividend policy.

1. Federal law «On joint stock companies» dated 26 December 1995 № 208-FZ (as amended. and additional of 29 June 2015, the № 210-FZ) // ATP GARANT.
2. The order of the Ministry of Finance dated 02.07.2010  № 66n «On forms of accounting statements of organizations» // ATP ConsultantPlus.
3. The order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 06.10.2008 № 106n «On approval of Provisions on accounting 1/08 «Accounting policy» //ATP ConsultantPlus. 
4. The order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 06.07.1999 № 43n (as amended on 08.11.2010) «On approval of Provisions on accounting «Accounting organization» (PBU 4/99)» // ATP ConsultantPlus. 
5. The Russian Finance Ministry order dated 06.05.1999 № 32n (as amended on 06.04.2015) «On approval of Provisions on accounting «Revenues organization» PBU 9/99»» // ATP ConsultantPlus. 
6. The Russian Finance Ministry order dated 06.05.1999 № 33n (edited on 06.04.2015) «On approval of Provisions on accounting «Costs organization» PBU 10/99»» // ATP ConsultantPlus. 
7. The order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 10.12.2002 № 126 «On approval of the Regulations for accounting 19/02 «Accounting of financial investments»» // ATP ConsultantPlus. 
8. George M. Lean production + six Sigma in the service sector: As the speed of lean manufacturing and quality six Sigma help to improve business / Michael George; TRANS. angl. – Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2011. – 496 p. 
9. Medvedev D. the New reality: Russia and global challenges / Issues of economy № 10. – 2015. – P. 18. 
10. The program of innovative development of Russia's largest companies: assessment and methodological support for the realisation of public policy / ed. by I. N. The Rykova. The scientific report. – M.: research Institute of Finance, 2015. – 147 P. 10. 
11. Rykova I. N., the Study of dividend policies of companies with state participation: Russian and foreign experience.Research report /Rykova I. N., Kotlyarov M. A., Gubanov R. S., M. I. Kudelich, Korablev D. V., Smirnov M. A., Lukashov, R. V., Petrov I. V. – Moscow, 2015. 
12. The rating of innovative development programs of state corporations and companies with state participation. Collection of analytical materials. Moscow 2012. 
13. Starovoitova E. V. Transition to international financial reporting standards in the corporate management of Russian enterprises // Audit and financial analysis, № 5 – 2008. 20029.shtml.

Model  of  financial  managament  of  just  value of foreign-invested  enterprises
Shokhazamiy Shokhmansur, Professor of Tashkent Financial Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Abduraupov Rustam, Senior Lecturer of Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Abstract. In the article is presented and empirically tested a model of financial management of just value of foreign-invested enterprises (FIE). The application of this model allows to ensure the efficiency of (FIE) financial management with the increase of their fair value, on the whole contributing to the increase of business activity and (FIE) rating, ultimately achieving financial stability and competitiveness. Comparing to the existing models of financial management, the proposed model allows the management to build and implement the policy of financial management based on the concept of just value, which provides with an opportunity to strictly control and prevent the phenomena of “bubble” on real assets.
Keywords: financial management, foreign-invested enterprises, fundamental value, market capitalization, real value, just value.

1. Shohazamiy Sh.Sh. Tractate on Property and its Just Value. Monograph. – Tashkent: Iqtisod-moliya, 2014. – 304 p. 
2. Brealey R., Mayers S.C., Allen F. Principles of Corporate Finance. – Eleventh Edition. The Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate, 2013. – 1062 p. 
3. Copeland T., Koller T., Murrin J. Valuation: Measuring & Managing the Value of Companies. – Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2000. – 512 p.
4. Volkov A.D. Theoty of Value-Oriented Management: Financial and Accounting Aspects. – Saint Petersburg: Publishing House of Saint Petersburg State University, 2006.
5. Purlik V.M. Value as Corporate Goal and Indicators of its Measurement // Vestnik MGU, 21. Management (State and Society), No. 2, 2006.
6. Kudina M.V. Forming a Company's Value: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects // Dissertation to seek a scientific degree of doctor in economic sciences. Moscow: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2010. – 394 p.
7. Shohazamiy Sh., Abduraupov R. Financial Management of Companies’ Just Value. Monograph. – Тashkent: Iqtisod-moliya, 2015. – 224 p
8. Abduraupov R. Methodical Aspects of Calculating Just Value of a Company // Financial Management. – Moscow, 2015. – No. 6. – pp. 34-42. 


Organization  of  risk  management  in  the  company
Lisicina E.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor Business school MIRBIS
Tokarenko G.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor Business school MIRBIS

Abstract. The paper discusses organizational issues of formation of the system of risk management in Russian companies. The levels of risk management, objectives of management on each level and a plan of measures to mitigate risks. Special attention is paid to the functions of the risk owners and corporate risk-management culture. A model of risk management structure is analyzed.
Keywords: risk, risk management, risk management, organizational risk management structure, the owners risk.

1. COSO - The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (Committee of sponsoring organizations of the Treadway Commission ) of USA.
2. FERMA – the Standard  the Federation of European Risk Management Association.
3. 31000-2009 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) international standard for risk management. The management of risk. The principles and guidance.
4. RF national standard GOST R 51897-2011 / ISO Guide 73:2009. The management of risk. Terms and definitions. 
5. RF national standard GOST R ISO-2010. The management of risk. The principles and guidance.
6. ISO guide 73:2009. The management of risk. Terms and definitions. 
7. The RF Federal law "On technical regulation" of 27.12.2002 № 184 [Electronic resource]

Forecasting  of  financial  market  characteristics
Leszczynski A.F., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Financial Management REU named after G.V. Plekhanov
Podlepa V.A., Ph.D. Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Management REU named after G.V. Plekhanov

Abstract. The article discusses the specificities of the application of polynomial extrapolation methods for the forecasting of the possible state in the future of market objects: market. The existing dynamic of market characteristics and of the firms working on it are analyzed, the error models are described; are considered the choice of the degree of the approximating polynomial, is used retroforecast to verify the quality of approximation; is carried on the comparison of different algorithms. To clarify the forecasting results the characteristics of the firm is used the association of information with the characteristics of the market taking into account of a correlation relationship between them. An example is given showing the application of the proposed method.
Keywords: prediction, extrapolation, dynamic models, approximating polynomial, combining information, correlation, analytical, alignment, trends, error models, method of least squares, an unbiased estimator, stationary process.

1. Theory of Statistics n / p R.A.Shmoylovoy - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2005.
2. G. Korn. T.Korn Mathematical Handbook - M .: Ed. Science, 1987.
3. Leontiev VE Financial management. - M .: OOO "Publishing Elite" 2011.
4. The General Theory of Statistics n / p OE Bashina - M .: Finance and Statistics, 1998.
5. Workshop on the theory of statistics n / p R.A.Shmoylovoy - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2000.
6. M. Kurkin. VA Podlepa. Using the minimax approach to the problems of financial and economic analysis. - M .: Banking Technologies, 1996.
7. Alan R. economic index - M .: Statistics, 1998.
8. Ezekiel and others. Methods of analysis of correlation and regression - M .: Statistics, 1996.
9. Kreynin MN Financial management. - M .: Business and Service, 2011.
10. Bank VR Bank SV Financial analysis. - M .: TC Welby, Publishing House of the Prospectus 2010.

Relevant  sectors  of  business  activity increase of gold extracting enterprises
Kradenih I.A., Research officer of Institute of Mining Affairs of FEB RAS (Khabarovsk)

Barchukov A.V., Doctor of Economics Science, Professor of Finance and Accounting Department, Far Eastern State Transport University (Khabarovsk)
Abstract. In the article are considered actual directions of goldmining efficiency increase and are proposed methods of assessment of economic horizontal-integrated enterprise activity taking into account synergy, new strategy development and economic risk for the implementation of the most rational variant choice of its functioning in this article.
Keywords: gold industry, strategic development, efficient management, М&А transactions, horizontal-integrated enterprise, estimation procedure, flow of money, economic risk.

1. Samsonov N.Y., N.V. Dudkin. Zolotodobivayshaya otrasl Sibiri I Dalnego Vostoka: faktori rosta do 2020 goda // Gold and technologies. – 2011. – № 4. – P. 74-78.
2. Prilukov A.N. Regionalnoe mineralopolzovanie v reformiruemoi ekonomike // Regional economics: theory and practice. – 2007. – № 8 (47). – P. 116-126.
3. Ansoff I. Strategic management: trans. from eng. – SPb.: Piter, 2009. – 344 p.
4. Ganitski V.I., Velesevich V.I. Menedgement gornogo proizvodstva. – M.: MGGU, 2007. – 357 p.
5. Selin V.S., Tsukerman V.A. Upravlenie personalom I proizvoditelnostiy truda na gornom predpriyatii // Mining research and information bulletin. – 2012. – № 11. – P. 200-208.
6. Dayans D.G., Romanova N.P. Upravlenie personalom na gornih predpriyatiyah – М.: MGGU, 2001. – 302 p.
7. Sokolov D.V., Barchukov A.V. Bazisnaya sistema risk-menedgementa organizatsii realnogo sektora ekonomiki. – М.: INFRA-M, 2013. – 126 p.
8. Petrosov A.A. Strategicheskoe planirovanie, prognozirovanie, ekonomicheskie riski gornogo proizvodstva. – М.: Mining book, 2009. – 684 p.
9. Kradenih I.A., Barchukov A.V. Zolotodobivayushie predpriyatiya: mechanism rosta za schet sliyanii I pogloshenii // Regional economics: theory and practice. – 2014. – № 30 (257). – P. 2 – 9.
10. Benevolskii B.I. Zoloto Rossii: problem ispolzovaniya i vosproizvodstva mineralno-sirievoi bazi. – М.: Geoinformark, 2002. – 464 p.


The  results  of  the  implementation  of  the  tax  policy of  the  Russian  Federation  and  the  plans for  the  2016–2018  biennium
Grishchenko A.V., Certified auditor of the Russian Finance Ministry Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Management MGUU Moscow Government
Grishchenko J.I., Ph.D. of Economics, Assistant Professor of Financial Management Department of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The main priority of modern state tax policy is the creation of efficient and stable tax system, ensuring fiscal sustainability in the medium and long term. As a consequence it is assumed that in future all changes are possible only in connection with the requirements of the modern economy, the new government’s economic policy priorities, including the need to stimulate the development of the social sphere, new industries, investment activity and improve the quality of tax administration.
Keywords: tax policy, tax administration, tax rates, taxpayers, government.

1. Ilyin YU The main directions and forms of implementation of state tax policy tax authorities // Taxes. 2013. N 2. P. 6 - 13.
2. Panskov VG Taxes and taxation in the Russian Federation. M .: MCFER, 2001, p 31.
3. Budget Message of the President of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated 29.06.2010 "On budget policy for 2011 - 2013" [Electronic resource]. -
4. Budget Message of the President of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from 04.12.2014 "The message of the President of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation" [Electronic resource]. -
5. The Federal Law of 02.11.2013 № 292-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Accounting "Published 06/11/2013 // of "Rossiyskaya Gazeta " № 249
6. Federal Law of 04.10.2014 № 284-FZ "On Amendments to Article 12 and 85 of the first part and the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Annulment of the Russian Federation Law" On taxes on property of individuals ", // 08.10 Published .2014, the "RossiyskayaGazeta" - Federal Issue number 6501
7. Federal Law of 02.11.2013 № 307-FZ "On Amendments to Article 12 and the first part of chapter 30 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation" // Published 06/11/2013 of  "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" - the release of the Federal №6225

Tax  and  financial  risks  in  2016
Shestakova E.V., PhD Law, CEO LLC “Aktualnyi menedzment”

Abstract. Each company or businessman at the end of the year usually assess risks, develop ways to overcome the risks addressing financial and tax planning. If you do not, it can be easyly to lose your company. The economic crisis confirmed the necessity of a risk assessment.
Keywords: tax risks, financial risks, changes in legislation, the key interest rate on loans, evaluation of non-financial risks.




Method  organization  and  performance  of  management accounting  as  a  system  of  information-analytical  base of  the  formation  is  costly-cost  indexes  in  construction
Kuleshova I.B., Ph.D. Economics, Assistant Professor of Audit and Control Department of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Abstract. In the article the tasks and the system of management accounting of cost elements of construction projects, a model of managerial decision-making at various levels is proposed and are identified the factors influencing the organization of management accounting cost-cost indexes.
Keywords: management accounting, cost, cost.

1. Polkovsky LM.. Fundamentals of managerial accounting. – М., 2003. – 320 p.
2. Avrova IA. Management Accounting. – М.: Berator-Publishing, 2007.
3. Ivanov VV. Formation of management accounting system on the basis of process management methods company / VV Ivanov // Management Accounting. – 2006. – № 2 [Electronic resource]. – Access
4. Popova LV Maslova IA, VandinаOG,KuleshovаIB. Controlling.: textbook. – 2nd ed., Revised and additional. – М.: Delo and Service, 2016.



Analysis  and  management  of  operational  risks  of  banks in  the  context  of  capital  standards  integration
Nikitina A.L., Leading Specialist of the Corporate Credit Department The Bank of Moscow
Kazakova N.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Analysis of Economic Activities, Russian university of economics G.V. Plekhanova

Abstract. Protection from risks today is one of the most priority problem of a banking system of the Russian Federation that is connected with its integration into system of new standards of banking activity Basel II: International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework». One of the highest risks along with credit and market, experts consider operational risk. In this regard in article was carried out analysis of operational risks of commercial banks, were considered definitions and classifications, methods of an assessment of operational risks. Sources of operational risks were systematized. Were proved methods of management of operational risks.
Keywords: risk, analysis, operational, bank, standards of the capital, financial performance, monitoring, control, management.

1. Kazakova N.A. Vyyavlenie i analiz kolichestvennykh i kachestvennykh faktorov kreditosposobnosti zaemshchikov v usloviyakh vysokikh bankovskikh riskov. /Kazakova N.A., Luk'yanov A.V. // M.: Uchet. Analiz. Audit. 2015. № 1.S.92-100.
2. Kazakova N.A. Informatsionno-analiticheskaya sistema kak sovremennyy instrument ekonomicheskogo analiza./ Kazakova N.A.//Voprosy statistiki. 2003. № 10. S. 32.
3. KazakovaN.A. Ekspress-analiz i otsenka predprinimatel'skikh riskov proizvodstvennoy kompanii. / Kazakova N.A., Kisnichyan M.B. M.: Uchet. Analiz. Audit. 2015. № 3.S.61-66.
4. KazakovaN.A. Uchet, analiz i otsenka riskov predprinimatel'skoy deyatel'nosti na rynke lizingovykh uslug./Kazakova N.A., Kisnichyan M.B., Sivkova A.E., Kazakov A.Yu., M.: Lizing. №4, 2015. S. 53-61.
5. Pis'mo TsB RF ot 24.05.2005 N 76-T "Ob organizatsii upravleniya operatsionnym riskom v kreditnykh organizatsiyakh".
6. Polozhenie TsB RF ot 3 noyabrya 2009 g. № 346-P “O poryadke rascheta razmera operatsionnogo riska”.
7. Pis'mo Banka Rossii ot 16 maya 2012 g. № 69-T "O rekomendatsiyakh Bazel'skogo komiteta po bankovskomu nadzoru "Printsipy nadlezhashchego upravleniya operatsionnym riskom".
8. LavrushinаOI,ValentsevaNI. Banking risks: the textbook. – 3-е ed. – М.: KNORUS, 2016.
9. VolkovAARisk Management in Commercial Bank: A Practical Guide. – 3-е ed. – М.: Publishing house «Omega-L», 2015.
10. Andrianov VV, Zefirov SL, VB Golovanov, Golduev NA. Providing information security business. – 2-е ed. – М.: Publishing house «Alpina Publisher», 2011.


Financial  assessment  models  for  international  financial  centres
Ayrapetyan A.A., Post-graduate Student of the Department for Finance and Prices of the G.VPlekhanov Russian University of Economics

Abstract. The article considers approaches to the assessment of international financial centers at the present stage. Author proposes the model of financial assessment of international financial centers that includes key performance indicators on financial markets. This model is focused on development of integrated assessment methodologies that developed and successfully used by major international organizations. As a result, the hierarchy of modern international financial centers is distinguished, and major centers are identified for each competitive area.
Keywords: international financial center, international finance, international financial market, exchange, model of financial assessment, model of exchange assessment.

1. Bolvachev A., Ayrapetyan A. Finansovye tsentry sovremennogo mira [Financial centers on the modern stage], Obshchestvo i ekonomika [Society and economy], 2014, No. 11, pp. 65-74. (In Russ.). 
2. Lascelles D., Lapotko D., Pitcher M. Sizing up the City: London’s Ranking as a Financial Centre. – London: Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation, Corporation of London, 2003.
3. Xinhua & Dow Jones International Financial Centers Development Index. – Beijing: National Financial Information Center Index Research Institute, Standard & Poor’s Dow Jones Index Co. – November, 2014.
4. Yeandle M., Mainelli M. The Global Financial Centres Index 16. – London: Z/Yen Group, Qatar Financial Centre Authority. – September, 2014.
5. Yeandle M., Mainelli M., Berendt A. The Competitive Position of London as a Financial Centre. – London: City of London Corporation, 2005.



Fraud  in  the  professional  sphere  –  global  threat
Prodanova N.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor Chairs of Accounting of REU of G.V. Plekhanova
Lizyaeva V.V., Graduate Student, Senior Lecturer Chairs of Accounting of REU of G.V. Plekhanova

Аbstract In article results of the review of economic crimes in the world which testify that today fraud in the professional sphere reached such scope that is the main threat both for modern business, and for economy in general are considered. The main categories of fraud are described. Frequency and the sums of losses from fraud on the main categories and depending on a sex, age, education and experience of the swindler are analysed. The group “the organizations – the victims” on fields of activity is given.
Keywords: Frauds in the professional sphere, fraud with health care, “identity theft”, mortgage fraud, theft of stock by employees, management of financial reports, the schemes Ponzi, breach of confidence, schemes of misappropriation of assets, schemes of corruption, fraud with financial statements.

1. Lizyaeva V. V. Distortion of accounting reports, the 12th International interuniversity scientifically - practical conference "Business and the right: Reference points and forecasts of development in Russia and abroad". M.: MIPP, 2013.
2. Lizyaeva V. V., Prodanova N. A. Distortion of accounting reports as instrument of financial abuse, collective monograph "Effective Approaches to the Account and the Reporting at the Enterprises". Odessa: Kupriyenko S.V., 2013.
3. Lizyaeva V. V., Prodanova N. A. Cost of corporate fraud, interuniversity collection of scientific works and results of joint research projects. M.: REU of G. V. Plekhanova, 2015.
4. Wells Joseph T. The reference book on the prevention and identification of corporate fraud, under Sukhanov M. S.,-M.'s scientific edition: Maroseyka, 2010.
5. Wells Joseph T. "Corporate frauds. Lessons of a negative side of business". M.: Maroseyka 2009, 624s.
6. Wells Joseph T. "Reference book on the prevention and identification of corporate fraud". M.: Maroseyka 2008, 480s.
7. REPORT TO THE NATIONS ON OCCUPATIONAL FRAUD AND ABUSE. 2014 Global fraud study, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc.
8. REPORT TO THE NATIONS ON OCCUPATIONAL FRAUD AND ABUSE. 2012 Global fraud study, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc.
9. REPORT TO THE NATIONS ON OCCUPATIONAL FRAUD AND ABUSE. 2010 Global fraud study, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc.



LIST of Articles Published In Journal « FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT» In 2015

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